Monday, April 26, 2010

Nine beds in 25 days

We finally made it to the Philippines and we can now begin our tale of this adventure. The very large country in Asia we were in would not allow facebook and we felt it was not safe to share on any electronic method.

Our time in the Capital was fantastic. We both walked and walked....about 15 miles per day. We were jammed into subways like sardines. One friend said her cell phone rang and she reached into her pocket while on the subway and discovered it was her neighbor's pocket. That is about the story. There is so much to tell. The weather was good and the people friendly and helpful.

I am going to put a separate page to tell of the things we did, so those who want to know more can read those more detailed pages. If I can figure out how to do it.

After the Capital we took a train ride (overnight sleeper with two other people) and then took a bus to a very northern city near the North Korean border. Some friends there booked a boat ride on the river that separates the countries. We were within 30 feet of the north Korean border. At on place a soldier wanted to show his power, so he showed his gun and pointed it at the boat. He did it about three times, letting us know he could shoot us if he wanted. A little intimidating.

Then we took a day in Dalian to see this beautiful city. There is where we met the only RUDE person so far on the trip. The taxi driver was crazy!!!

Next stop was Guangzhou and we had a wonderful two bedroom apartment. My friends were in the mainland so we had their place to ourselves. My other friends have been able to 'foster' two orphans (special needs children) so we got to spend time holding two beautiful babies that would not be alive if my friend had not taken them home.

Our next adventure was a train ride to Hong Kong. That is a most fantastic city!!! Words cannot explain the glitz and energy of that city.

That is three weeks in Ch*na in a nutshell!!! Then we flew to Manila. Another friend picked us up and took us to a hotel until the next day when we could fly up north to visit the Cortez's.

On Sunday, we drove about 150 kilometers toward Manila to see a new work with tribal children that CR is doing. The drive was very rough because the roads were in bad repair, however, the sights along the way were amazing. The people were harvesting their rice, drying it along the side of the road or wherever they could. There were water buffalo in the fields and pulling carts on the road. Words cannot explain the living conditions of these people. You must experience it.

I'm sure Pam will add her spin on this when I give her the computer. More to come


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